¿ESTÁ CONSIDERANDO DEMANDAR PERO NO QUIERE QUE TODO EL MUNDO LO SEPA? Posiblemente puede demandar bajo el nombre "Jane Doe" (o "John Doe"). Eso es sumamente importante porque casi todas las demandas están disponible al público el en el Internet. El derecho hacer...
Why Do Women Say I “Froze Up” During Sexual Assault?
They’re Not Making This Up – Read About Why When describing date rape or other types of sexual assault, women commonly say “I just froze up” instead of fighting back or crying out. This is a scientifically recognized reaction behavioral experts call “Tonic...
Sexually Assaulted and Considering Suing?
The Whole World Doesn't Have To Know? You might be able to sue under the name "Jane Doe" (or "John Doe), This is very important because almost all lawsuits are available to the public on the Internet. The right to do this is not automatic - permission must be...
¿Están Pagándome Menos Que el Sueldo Mínimo Legal?
¡Puede ser que tenga el derecho legal para demandarle POR EL DOBLE de la cantidad de lo que él no le ha pagado! Si usted trabaja en NYC, Long Island o Westchester, generalmente el sueldo mínimo subió a $16.50 la hora y $24.75 la hora por horas extras el 1ro enero...
Is Your Boss Paying You Less Than the Legal Minimum Wage?
Very Recent Minimum Wage Changes in New York Include Tipped Employees If you have a minimum wage job, and your boss is not paying you the legal required minimum wage, you may have the right to sue for DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of What He Didn’t Pay You! If you work in NYC,...
Usted Puede Tener El Derecho De Recibir Un Premio En Efectivo Se Le Pagan Usted Cada Dos Semanas
¿Ha Trabajado O Trabaja Para Walmart, COSTCO O Alguna Otra Compañía Que Le Paga Cada Dos Semanas? Si es así, podrá tener el derecho a compensación. Es Legal Que Mi Jefe Me Page Cada Dos Semanas? No. En la mayoría de los casos[1], su jefe esta supuesto a pagarle cada...
You May Be Entitled to a Cash Award if You Get Paid Every Two Weeks
Have You Worked or Do You Work for Walmart, COSTCO or Any Other Company That Pays You Every Two Weeks? If so, you may be entitled to a payday. Is it Legal for my boss to pay me every 2 weeks? No. In most cases[1], your boss is supposed to pay you every week. Do I Have...
SOME OF US MIGHT NOT LIKE THE DECISION - BUT THE LEGAL REASONING WAS SOUND Don't you want to know what it was? Here's an assessment down the middle Judge Kathryn Mizelle, District Court Judge for the Middle District of Florida, decided to vacate the mask mandate on...
I Need My Medical Marijuana, But My Boss Thinks It’s Just an Excuse to Get High.
Do I Have any Legal Protection Against Being Fired? YES, YOU DO! - Every Certified Medical Marijuana User is automatically deemed to have a “disability” under the NY state discrimination law, and also has automatic rights under the NY state Civil rights Law. This is...
Ok, Coach Brian Flores SUED THE NFL AND THE OWNERS With Racial Discrimination SO TELL ME, HOW DO THE FACTS OF THIS CASE FIT INTO DISCRIMINATION LAW? All discrimination cases are generally subject to a burden shifting rule[1], which I explained in more detail in a...
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