Gastrointestinal Malpractice, Surgery Cases: Medical Negligence : Medical Malpractice

Gallbladder Surgery/Cholecystectomy

Most gallbladder surgeries are done laparoscopically. The foremost job of the surgeon is to ensure that the proper duct is cut to allow for its removal. If the surgeon cuts the common bile duct instead of the cystic duct, then – barring anatomical anomalies – that surgeon is negligent.


When a piece of the intestine or duct must be cut away, the general surgeon must be sure to properly attach the two cut sections back together. Typically this is done with a surgical device, however, the surgeon must be able to properly complete the procedure by hand, if necessary. If done improperly, the patient may develop a leak, which will lead to infection (sepsis).


This is an inflammation or infection of the pouches that form in the wall of the intestine. If not properly treated, this condition can become so aggressive that it causes an abscess or a bowel obstruction. While this condition can often be treated with medication, surgery may be indicated in the most serious of cases.


Failure to properly diagnose and timely treat appendicitis accounts for most the negligent conduct by doctors who are faced with this condition. Most cases of surgical appendicitis can be treated laparoscopically. If the appendix ruptures due to a delay in diagnosis, the patient, then, will necessarily face a much more difficult course. Ruptured appendix can result in infection and surgical complications.

Contact the Law Offices of William Cafaro Today

If you have suffered a serious injury due to gastrointestional malpractice, if you have a colostomy which may not have been necessary, or if a loved one has suffered or died because of healthcare provider malpractice in New York, the attorneys at Law Offices of William Cafaro can help you determine whether you have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice claim| negligence claim.

Our lawyers are sensitive to your needs and care about helping you through a difficult time. Call our law firm at (212) 583-7400 to schedule an appointment. There is no fee for a consultation and you will not owe attorney fees unless and until we obtain compensation for you.

Law Offices of William Cafaro


108 West 39th Street
Suite 602
New York, NY, 10018


Fax: (212) 583-7401

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